Just Like Caramel& Sea Salt.

You Make Me Crazier. ♥


Hello,  blog

its been awhile.

i am back. typing this while i hold back the tears – which i can already feel, filling up my eyelids as they slosh towards the curve up, ready to slide down my cheek.

i am not one to be emotional.in fact i always give people the impression of a strong, cannot be bothered front.

but mom left for india today and today marks the day our family will be consistently inconsistent and constantly incomplete. hence, tonight i am feeling more alone than usual and it makes my heart ache a bit.

i always wished i had something complete:’) God give me strength…


i donated blood for the first time in my life today

i hope it helps to save someone’s life :)


the mobile clinic was in school today and since i didn’t donate last year..why not this year? i went with sharon and got through all the tests and the needles hehe my nurse was so nice she gave me a blue smiley bandage. 

im going to continue to give. promise:) x

I’ve moved to another spot. if you want the link, hit me w a text and i will tell you:))


Im making a post now bc i cant sleep
Also bc ive been addicted to browsing through the old pics of all my… You guessed it,springtastic moments with my really cool friends that i really miss.
I know im nearly on everywhr talking about how i miss it and im really serious about how nothing can replace the family i had and still have in westspring. I really miss you guys so much.
Im grateful that ten years down the road i’ll look back to know that my youth had been really really well spent. That short four years with people i really love. And the teachers who are like friends and also the environment and everything
I would give anything to just rewind into the past,
Just to feel at home again. I had the time of my life :’)


today I’ve decided to keep it to the basics.

of the basis of being ‘just friends’ like you wished. and I’ve done my duty hur. a really friendly and nice wish on fb walls.hurhur.

i wonder how far i can go with this.but most importantly i wonder how far you can go with this considering that i was supposedly ‘special’. lies.



today was awkward because idk.

i didn’t feel the excitement i always did in the past.when i saw you.

i still miss you every single day since we graduated but i understand.im just not up there anymore.

its ok and i guess its kinda nearly over if nobody tries to salvage this.i tried already anyway.


so whatever..